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Praying Like Jesus

Writer's picture: Sha JohnsonSha Johnson

What is prayer and how can we use prayer to come into alignment so that we can manifest our desires? Read this article to understand how Jesus sets the example of how prayer can bring heaven to earth.

We're going to take a look at what most have tit'ed "The Lord's Prayer." This passage of scripture is well known in almost all faith denominations and is often recited in church and at home by believers. But, how many of those that vocalize the words actually internalize what they are saying?

In this simple prayer, Jesus teaches the decibels and every reader whomever takes notice exactly how easy it is to manifest our desires. Before we get too far into the how, let's identify the what and why.

What is prayer? By definition, it is a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or an object of worship. Other definitions include:

  • a religious service, especially a regular one, at which people gather in order to pray together.

  • an earnest hope or wish.

When most people hear the word prayer, they think of a request or asking of God to do (or prevent) something in our lives or the life of someone we love. That definition is not inaccurate. It is, however, incomplete.

Prayer absolutely is a request of sorts. But, it is more a verbalized vibrational magnet than anything else. What I mean by that is prayer is communicating with God's universe what we want, either intentionally or unintentionally. Unfortunately for most, they pray in a way that unintentionally sends out a vibration counter to what they actually want.

Why does how and what we pray matter? Because prayer is usually done with concentration and intention, which means the vibrations exported from us during prayer are some of the strongest. That matters because these strong vibrations send a strong magnetic signal and that signal responds to us and sends us physical matches to what we are putting out.

That is why I find this teaching of Jesus so special. In Matthew 6.9–13 and Luke 11.1–4 God in the physical realm tells us how to align with God beyond the physical realm in a way that attracts a physical heaven experience on earth.

If what you just read causes a disturbance or hesitation or internal conflict within you, go ahead and stop reading for now. Chew on the words and come back to finish when resistance is gone and reception is present. For the rest of you, let's dive in!

The texts reads somewhat like this: (I have intentionally taken out all punctuation.)

Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil For thine is the kingdom the power and the glory for ever and ever Amen

The first few lines are focusing on God. His relation to us (Father), his point of view (heaven), his sacredness (Hallowed), his resources (kingdom) and his desire (heaven on earth).

Then, God takes a moment to make the requests. Give us this day what will sustain us on this day. Forgive our shortcomings as we do the same for others. Lead us, never guiding us into trouble, but instead delivering us from it.

Then, God takes his focus back to the source and why making a request makes any sense at all. Because God has the resources and the ability to do something with them beyond the time/space continuum.

When we "pray" like this, when we start and end by focusing on the source, our prayers are not that of begging or pleading from a point of view centered around lack. Quite the opposite! When we pray like this, our requests instantly align with what the creator is wanting to send us because we are focusing on God and his never-ending solutions instead of the physical problems we experience with our 5 senses.

When we pray like this, our requests instantly align with what the creator is wanting to send us because we are focusing on God and his never-ending solutions instead of the physical problems we experience with our 5 senses.

When we pray like this, we aren't even concerned about what the future holds because we know that if we can get through this day with what we need for it, the next day when it becomes this day will also be taken care of by the same source with that day's portion of sustainability.

And when we come into alignment with that thought, we can be compassionate and forgiving towards others, knowing that God never ceases to extend grace to us. And we can walk boldly down our path and along our journey because we know that we have a guide that sees all and knows all and is constantly sustaining us.

And we know all these things to be true because all of this begins and ends with God anyway. Any power that we have is because of God within us. Any love that we have is because of God within us. The foundation desires of our inner self are because of God within us.

And we know all these things to be true because all of this begins and ends with God

So then, when you look at prayer in this way, it's not really a request. Not in the sense of asking for something like a wish from a genie. NO! Prayer is verbalizing our vibration and knowing that the thing I am asking for is already my because God wouldn't put it on my heart to say it if it wasn't aligning with what He has already said about me.

It is a request that is asking of the universe to open our physical eyes to the things that can only be seen in the spirit. It is telling the universe, "I am ready for the things that are on their way. I"m ready to experience them."

What happens when we pray from a place of wishing or hoping or lack? God's universal law of attraction says that what you put out is what you get back. So, praying in other manners will certainly result in more of the things you don't want.

Praying in the form of begging will result in more opportunity to beg and feel dissatisfied just like praying in the form of agreement will result in more opportunities to align and feel satisfied. So, when you pray, pray as Jesus taught because prayer is communicating with God's universe what we want and you are better off being intentional about it.

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